3.5 演员都不错,但是几个重要的感情线铺垫太少了,感觉剧本有些问题,仿佛是刚见面刚认识刚和好就马上订婚了,还有Beth的存在感有点少。薇诺娜.赖德的JO竟然也让我很痴迷,堵住尿孔不能尿原本担心她的惊人美貌会大大掩盖角色自带的男孩气,真好!贝尔真的好青涩,这一版的Amy算是最讨喜的了,成长的变化啊!
Perplexity, surrealism & absurdism in a musty, shabby & filthy atmosphere. Many signs inaugurate early on the sheer queerness of whatever revolves around Barton Fink - his own madman's facial expressions, a pitiful & empty hotel, faint sounds that obsessessively bother only him, dubious characters & personalities in Hollywood. But the viewer can still hang in this mess, and somehow (with a little effort) make some sense of what's happening. It's only towards the last third that the increasing contradictions explode into no(n)-sense. The only - and cheap - way to read the movie would be that most of these irreconciliable scenes are in fact dreams or hallucinations. Disappointing.